Design Principles
Simplicity and usefulness
Mined follows the design philosophy of being simple and intuitive.
That means, users should be enabled to perform the most frequent editing
tasks without having to study and learn a peculiar interface first.
This basic approach is supplemented by a good range of text editing
capabilities including dedicated navigation support as well as
layout support for plain text and program files.
Unlike other editors that support plain text mode, mined is affirmative
toward the conveniences of modern user interface paradigms, like
concise and comprehensive menus, mouse control including mouse wheel
scrolling, scrollbar navigation.
It does not impose on you the restrictive paradigms and weird
interactive hassles of editors that evolved from line-oriented tools.
Internationalisation and legacy support
For character encoding support, mined has the design philosophy of
having everything on board so that e.g. CJK display and input methods
run “out of the box” without any extra configuration and without
depending on the operating system environment.
This enables Unicode support, character display and input even on old
systems that do not provide this support themselves.
Serving as a tool
Mined design claims that an editor should be a tool providing the
best usage value for daily editing tasks. It should not be
an editing system that defines a “way of life” with peculiarities and
setup hassles.